Thursday, August 7, 2008

Cape Cod Trip, Part Three: Visiting Rita

One evening, Vogel and I drove over to Plymouth to meet Rita, who lives outside Boston, and is, as I've noted earlier, expecting a little girl in late September.

Vogel and I had a bit of time to kill before Rita joined us, so Vogel did her best impression of a lobster.

After dinner at the Cabby Shack (which was pretty yummy despite an awful cover band playing in the backgroud), we took a walk along the water and ended up down by the Mayflower 2. You can see the back of it here.

Once again, we were blessed with beautiful weather, and I took some nice shots of the boats on the water.

Another picture of the boats and sky.

A friendly woman volunteered to take this picture of the three of us. I think we look pretty cute in it. And check out that pregnant belly Rita's sportin'! By the way, we couldn't get to Plymouth Rock (it was closed for construction around it), so we pretended that the rock we were sitting on was Plymouth Rock.

After some more walking and some delicious ice-cream, we said good-bye. It was awesome to see Rita and have the three of us together again, if a bit bittersweet since she lives so far away these days. It was also great to see her before the baby comes, but again, kind of bittersweet since we won't be there when she is born and all that. At least she's not all the way in Azerbaijan, like some of my friends, but it's still tough.

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