Saturday, August 31, 2024

First Round of Revisions? DONE!

31 August 2024: Just emailed the first requested set of revisions and edits to my editor--two weeks early. In fact, still a month before the manuscript itself was originally due. I didn't have to spend a few hours today knocking them out (and yes--that's really all that it took!) and my tired-ass COVID brain wasn't loving the work, but it felt good (except physically--ha!) to just power through. 

I keep telling myself that grading this semester is going to be intense, so I need to push stuff through as soon as I can.

Anyway, chair dancing time, but not too intense because...COVID? Sure! This classic ditty just came on the 80s (???) station on Pandora, so it works. 

Friday, August 30, 2024

Nurse Jo

30 August 2024: Kind of a rough night, sleep-wise. Just restless and uncomfortable, though it's hard to describe why, but I kind of remember that from my first go-round with COVID. 

Feeling better today, I think, and recognizing other echoes of that experience two years ago, when my feline nurse was Wesley. Jo is so distinct from Wesley--entirely her own little self--but she is a worthy successor to him when it comes to comfort.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Sure didn't ask for this sequel...

29 August 2024: Was genuinely shocked when my COVID test turned positive last night. I didn't feel awful--just scratchy and figured I'd take a test for peace of mind. 

Doing okay today. Tired. A bit congested. Headache. Some chills. But could be worse. And all things considered, this isn't the worst time to get it. With the holiday on Monday, I'll only miss one day of in-person teaching. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Friends' joys...

28 August 2024: Some of the people I love the most in this world had big days today--albeit in very different ways. One had a scary surgery that seems to have gone well and might have him on the road to feeling better. Someone else got a (well-earned/well-deserved) job offer. 

It was a long day and I am tired, tired, tired. But when I got the news about those developments? I just sat there at my desk and smiled and smiled. 

What a gift to have people to love and to celebrate their wins!

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Dream teams...

27 August 2024: Worked with two great teams of women in two very different settings. First, team-taught our first session of Intro to Gender and Women's Studies with two of my absolute role models: Stephanie and Sally. (And all 25 students were there!) Second, had a very productive meeting with the women in our HR office and another staff member to keep things moving forward on an important search that I am chairing. 

Such a gift to be surrounded with such kind, smart, and capable women!

Monday, August 26, 2024

One day down...

26 August 2024: 

Got to campus by 7:30. 

Made it home at about 6:15. 



I'll take it. 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Twas the night before...

25 August 2024: What an strange (in an almost entirely good way) summer this has been! Finished the book draft so early that I just had time to...relax. Not the entire months of July and August, but enough of them to really feel it. And enjoy it. And that enjoyment? I am hoping it is transformative, especially when it comes to Operation Balance. 

Back at it all again starting tomorrow. Feels fake, but I am ready as I'll ever be, I guess. And I know it will be wonderful to be around the students again. 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Big old BabyCat jar...

24 August 2024: Had a great visit from Jane today. We did birthday gifts, walked through an antique mall in Boonsboro, got some lunch, and just talked and talked like we do. Remarkably, I only took a single picture of this huge jar that looks like a bizarro and terrifying Veronica. It was almost worth buying it (at $60) just to get a picture of her next to it. But alas, I resisted the urge.

Friday, August 23, 2024

New crop and some returning veterans...

23 August 2024: We were so thrilled to welcome a group of our new English, English Education, and Spanish majors to campus today. We were also excited to introduce them to some of our fantastic second, third, and fourth year students: Taylor, Hannah, and Kel (who, coincidentally, all showed up wearing black Chuck Taylors). 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Professional Development Day

22 August 2024: On the surface, an entire day of mandatory professional development isn't most people's idea of fun. But the event we had today was pretty great. The best part? Just being around colleagues who I respect and love so much. Last year was so hard, but darn it: these people are a heck of a team. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

L.E.A.D.S. panel...

21 August 2024: Had an absolute blast being on a panel with these two today! Couldn't ask for better partners. And such a pleasure to meet our outstanding L.E.A.D.S. students and answer their questions! (Our coordinated colors were--I promise--a delightful accident.)

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Hitting the floor...

20 August 2024: A long day on campus today--and I haven't done many of those these past couple of months. I don't think it's Jo's (or even Veronica's) favorite thing.

When I got home, I did something I do sometimes: came into the house, watched Jo come running right in, and sat down on the kitchen floor with her. Doing so immediately centers me, in a way. For just a few minutes, I hit pause on everything else and sit with this sweet girl, who is so happy to see me. 

I snapped this picture of her, mostly because it reminded me of Wes and the way he would rest a single paw on me. 

Monday, August 19, 2024

Another liminal week...

19 August 2024: The week before classes start is such a complicated liminal space. I need to be on campus every day this week, a clear indication that things are starting. But, you know: you can still wear shorts, not all of the students are back, and the pace is still different. A sure sign of that liminality? Rachel came over to watch a movie tonight and then we had to remind ourselves that it is, indeed, sort of a school night and not let it get too late.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Yankees vs. Tigers

18 August 2024: The Yankee game is in extra innings, which is always fun. But this game is extra charming because it's being played in Williamsport, PA, with a stadium full of Little League teams. They keep showing pics of the MLB players in their Little League uniforms. It's so cute.

Well, the Yankees just lost as I wrote this, but it was still a fun game. 

Saturday, August 17, 2024


17 August 2024: Spent most of today doing some search committee work (Zoom interviews). As I kept taking notes, I realized it was time to say good-bye to a favorite pencil. 

Just one word, but it made me smile every time I used it.  

Friday, August 16, 2024

More ENGL 101 syllabizing...

16 August 2024: Spent a lot more time working on the 101 syllabus (most the work was just thinking, jotting down ideas, etc.). I think I had a decent breakthrough pretty late in the day--basically flipping the order of the essays. That will require undoing a lot of what I did yesterday, but that's okay in the long run. 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

ENGL 101 syllabizing...

15 August 2024: For a bunch of reasons out of my control (frustratingly), I have been unable to work on my ENGL 101 syllabus until I just had to start. I spent a lot of today thinking about the class and working on the syllabus. This Common Reading selection is especially tough to incorporate, but I think I had a breakthrough. Need to sleep on it and still so much more work to do, but I think I can see a way forward.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Moving right along...

14 August 2024: Got my set of requested revisions from my editor today and, my goodness—it doesn’t look like a lot? My editor is hoping to send the manuscript up the ladder by September 15. 

To put it simply, it is so exciting and affirming. And I cannot believe that my major revisions will be done two weeks before the original manuscript submission deadline

Feels terrific.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Academic Belonging...

13 August 2024: Today my friend/colleague Jeff and I talked about a session we are leading at Shepherd's professional development day for faculty next week. In a general sense, we're talking about "academic belonging": how to make student feel like they are valid and worthy members of the classroom (and university) community. 

Jeff is such a cool guy: incredibly smart, kind, a kind of superman when it comes to building stuff, an interdisciplinary thinker, and just so thoughtful and smart. Talking with him about this topic was without a doubt one of the best parts of the day.

Monday, August 12, 2024


12 August 2024: Reflecting on what has been a very nice birthday. Nothing major--just beautiful weather, some good work to get done on campus (including a pretty productive meetings), phone calls and messages from loved ones, dessert and then dinner with friends...

One reason birthdays are lovely: you are reminded of how many wonderful people you've met over the course of your life. What a blessing that is!

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Hancock hike

11 August 2024: Spent much of the day with my friends Steve and Kit. We met in Hancock, had lunch, and walked a few miles on the C&O. Every moment was filled with terrific conversations and storytelling. Grateful to have had a new set of friends enter my life a couple of years ago. 

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Play hard. Sleep hard.

10 August 2024: Happy 2nd birthday to sweet girl!

Friday, August 9, 2024

Burger box

9 August 2024: Got a really fun cat-themed birthday package from Vogel today. The theme extended even further when I gave the girls the box. Perfect perch for watching Bob's Burgers.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Finally! A Show

8 August 2024: Found a new podcast to check out, courtesy of This is Love, which featured an episode of Finally! A Show on their feed. The premise: a woman narrates her day from start to finish. This particular episode follows a crematorium worker at New York's Green-Wood Cemetery. There's so much to love in this piece: a very engaging and endearing narrator, her charming colleagues who show up over the course of her day, their terrific New York accents, and really moving and profound observations about death, life, mourning, and remembering those who have died. 

This bit, from the narrator, Gabrielle, made me stop in my tracks*: "It is an honor and a privilege to bear witness to a witness."

*I think I use this phrase a lot when talking about great podcast moments, but most of the time, I mean it literally. I am listening while walking or doing something at least sort of active and I stop and take note of the time-stamp, in case I want to write about it later or send it someone's way. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

"the thing with feathers"

7 August 2024: It sure is nice to feel a bit of hope about November. It's also scary to feel this hope. But my goodness, this ticket--at least right now--is inspiring. Even more inspiring are the people turning out and coming together. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Good things from today...

6 August 2024: Long, kind of tough day, but trying to stay focused on lots of good things: a fun triva game, needed rain falling outside (a lot of it--let's hope it's not too much), opportunities to see the people I care about do their things and shine, and a terrific candidate for Vice President. 

Monday, August 5, 2024

Spaghetti Jo

5 August 2024: So...Jo is obsessed with spaghetti??? I was pretty certain she was into it after this post. Then last week, she seemed to understand I was making it the moment I put the colander in the sink. And tonight, she was there from start to finish, watching every aspect. And yes, she got a piece again, this time without stealing it. (But she did look for more to steal in the sink. There was none.)

Sunday, August 4, 2024


4 August 2024: This evening, I opened TikTok for maybe the fourth time since I downloaded the app (simply to see stuff people send me). It kept playing all of these cat-meowing videos, including some captioned things like "this sound will make your cat come running."  

Jo immediately reacted. Some made her excited. One made her hiss! And she was looking everywhere around the bed for the cats. 

It actually made me feel bad, messing with her little head like that. Happy to keep mostly staying off that app just to avoid further guilt!

Saturday, August 3, 2024


3 August 2024: Got to meet Cory and Hannah's new kitten, Dewey, today. He is perfect: chill and friendly and playful and very sweet. I am so thrilled that they found each other and he's right at home.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Some of the good stuff...

2 August 2024: Met with an advisee today to talk about her coursework (could she double-major? do a 4+1?, etc.). She's such an interesting and impressive young woman: married with two kids and a full-time job, but also carrying a full course load and killing it. I get the sense she didn't have it easy when she was a little kid, but she is so strong and determined. And she keeps saying, "I just want to help people and I see that happening in a classroom or school." What a blessing she'll be, whatever she ends up doing.

This kind of work? Always the good stuff!

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Getting ready...

1 August 2024: Spent some time on campus this afternoon, mostly wading through stacks of papers and doing some pre-semester clean-up. Tim was up there, too, doing the same, which made it extra fun. I am certainly not eager for this summer to end, but there is something sweet about starting to get stuff (beyond syllabi) ready.