Friday, July 19, 2024

Letter from the past...

19 July 2024: At our NWP event in November, my colleague Valerie had us write letters to ourselves that she would send us in the spring. We were prompted to write about ideas for perseverance in our writing and teaching and about (I think?) what we hoped for by the time we opened the envelopes. 

Mine got delivered to me months ago, but I kept waiting to open it, thinking (I think?) that I would do it after I submitted the book. Well, I was on campus today, saw the envelope sitting there, and thought, "What am I waiting for now?" 

It was kind of a quietly moving experience. Things were rough then on just about every level. I ended one paragraph with a simple sentence: "I hope I am happier."

Look, in so many ways (especially globally, politically) things are worse, worse, worse. 

Still, though I am not sure of all the reasons why or the extent or how long it will last, I just knew something when I read those words today: I am happier now.   

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