Monday, June 17, 2024

Still Life for Summer 2024

17 June 2024: Somewhat hilariously (and I say this with lots of relief), the "Chronology" section of my book--the part I worried about the most at times--has been tremendously easy to do. Knocked out an entire draft today. I am busy with Summer Advising most of tomorrow, which is probably a good thing--some space to not think about it while also sort of thinking about it (and hoping some "I need to include/fix that" ideas come through). 

Snapped this picture of the whole (double-sided) manuscript (a verson from May 2024) near a sleeping Jo earlier in the day. I kept this big old paper copy--all kinds of marked up--since I knew it would be useful for the chronology. But it is pretty cool to have a picture of the stack of pages as a record. (It's a bit longer now!) It also cracks me up how the perspective makes her look so tiny. 

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