Friday, June 28, 2024

Youth consult...

28 June 2024: Decided to get Isla some earrings for her birthday and ultimately decided on some pairs at Kohl's. I was half-heartedly looking around, hoping to ask a young person if they thought an almost-eight-year-old (going on eighteen) would like them. 

At one point, I overheard an older customer being really difficult with an associate (maybe mid-twenties?), making snarky comments about how expensive things are, how the store had really gone downhill, etc. The associate was so professional and calm, it really impressed me. After the old woman walked away, I walked by associate and said, "Good job" and rolled my eyes. We whispered a bit about how she tried her best, she was great, etc.

Eventually, I went to the front to pay. And that same associate checked me out. I put the earrings down and said, "niece's birthday!" She said, "oh, these are cute!" and then rang up the next pair--and she was wearing the same ones. She complimented all of my choices and then I said what I wrote above: that I was hoping for a young person's take on them. She (and another associate, probably the same age) laughed as a left about being called "young people," since obviously they didn't feel young. It's all relative, after all. 

Anyway, we'll see what the kid herself thinks about them tomorrow when she and the rest of her gang come to visit. 

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