Friday, June 23, 2023

A foggy week...

23 June 2023: Sitting here reflecting on the work week, the adjective that comes to mind is "foggy." I don't mean literally--though it's been cold and rainy for days. I mean it more in terms of how impressionistic it is to me from even a short distance: Monday at Bender's seems a long time ago. What even was Tuesday night into Wednesday afternooon, other than the sickest and most "off my game" that I've felt in a long time? Thursday felt blessedly normal in some ways, though the vibes on campus are bad, bad, bad. And today was a flurry: meetings, dealing with scheduling an emergency Senate meeting, presenting at a virtual conference (!), finishing another entry for the book, and then dinner and a movie with Amy. 

Those last few clauses in the "Friday list" above are decent proof that I am definitely on the mend. I am grateful for the good stuff, as next week looks to be challenging. 

On we go...

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