Monday, August 22, 2022

A most unusual first day of classes...

22 August 2022: Holding up okay today--congested, scratchy throat, and a bit of a headache, but not too bad. Even got to take a long walk this morning, waiting until after the kids had gotten on their buses so I wouldn't get too close to anyone. (So it looks like the streak will at least hit 971 days.)

Then I did some reading, attended a Zoom meeting on a search we're doing, and taught two classes via Zoom. I let each class vote on how to handle the rest of the week and they voted for discussion boards over Zoom. Carrie (over text) told me that's probably because they felt bad for me. 

And then I crashed. Too much talking/performing. So now I am resting and might be done with work for the day. 

But here, even feeling like crud and missing the normal rhythm of the first day, I am grateful that so many people have been kind, offering to help out if I need anything, sending me well wishes. Blessed, blessed, blessed. 

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