Saturday, May 21, 2022

Surprise! It's fun!

21 May 2022: I completed my weekly book goal list early this week--so early that I added some stuff to it and finished those tasks, too. And that made me feel pretty good. 

Today, I didn't do any work on the book even though I could have. I told myself that the new list starts on Monday and that I could take a day off. Instead, I went to Home Depot to get some flowers, mowed the lawn before it got too scorching out there, saw the Downton movie with Amy (which was exactly what you want it to be), did the laundry and am now watching a couple of movies.

I did feel the urge to pick up an article from the great big stack I ready have for my next entry, but I didn't. Here's what I am excited about, though: that urge to pick it up? I wanted to do it because I was excited, not because I felt guilty or stressed. That's a good indicator of the fun I am having with this project. 

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