Saturday, February 6, 2021

Quiet day...

6 February 2021: Other than a bit of a sore arm, the only other possible vaccine reaction I'm feeling is fatigue. All day, I felt like, "I could go to sleep right now" and this was after going to sleep before 10:00 last night and staying in bed (though not completely asleep) until close to 9:00. 

Resisted the urge to nap (it just throws me off) and just basically had a quiet day: a good walk, laundry, TV. Not that bad, really, and I know I should sleep pretty well tonight. Hoping I won't yawn too much during my video chat with the Roanoke crew tonight. 

Sharing a picture of Veronica. Sometimes I still can't believe how pretty she is and how she seems to match the house so well. 

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