Monday, August 26, 2019

First day...

26 August 2019: The first day of the Fall 2019 semester is in the books and it was...fine? Four good classes filled with good students.

I just have memories of feeling more excited and energized on previous first days. But maybe I am mis-remembering.

And maybe I am awfulizing (to borrow a term I learned from my psychologist sister) because I was counting on being back in session to fix things. But that was perhaps a bit foolish.

Because classes or no classes, the stuff is still there and it still needs working out. Got a crystal clear reminder of that. Oh well.

One indisputably bright moment: this evening I treated myself to an episode of Derry Girls (really trying to pace myself, but there's only one more left!). One scene in particular brought back the never-quite-gone-teenager inside me. What a terrific show this is!

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