Monday, May 20, 2019

Why Not Me?

20 May 2019: "And these days, I find I'm caring less and less about what people think of me. Maybe it's my age, maybe it's my security in my career, maybe it's because I'm skrilla flush with that dollah-dollah-bill-y'all, but if I had to identify my overall feeling these days, it's much more 'Eh, screw it. Here's how I really feel'" (4).

Just digging into Mindy Kaling's Why Not Me?, trying to pick excerpts for the summer class. The bit quoted above really speaks to my mindset these days. It is strange and kind of liberating. (And sometimes still abandons me in an instant I am right back to living the complete opposite way.)

Work Cited

Kaling, Mindy. Why Not Me? Three Rivers Press, 2015.

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