Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Off to Charleston...

9 April 2019: Posting early today, before heading to Charleston for the Professor of the Year Banquet where they will announce the winner. I am nervous, of course, but really and truly don't expect to win. That isn't false modesty or a performance and I don't feel bad about it. I am just so happy to get this far in the process.

As I sit here this morning, with some time to kill before leaving, I just keep thinking of the word "gratitude." It's one I have used again and again during this process. My last post on the subject had a bullet-list of reasons for that gratitude, but maybe today I'll just focus on Carrie, Amy, and Dow (my dean), three amazing people who are accompanying me on a five-hour trip for tonight's event. This is the busiest time of the year for them, too, so to give up a day and a half for me? I get a bit teary just thinking about it.

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