Thursday, April 11, 2019

Back in the classroom...

11 April 2019: I was back in the classroom today for the first time in a week. Even under ordinary circumstances that would feel like a long time, but with Alumni Weekend and Charleston and a million other little things also in that week...well, it felt like forever. I was actually kind of itching to get back in and feel that part of "normal" again. And, of course, my students delivered. Here's my favorite exchange, delivered early in class, as I was giving them an end-of-the-semester pep-talk:

Me: This is the time of the semester when the wheels come off the bus, so to speak, if you don't take care of yourself and ask for help when you need it.

Student #1 [Nods knowingly]: My rims are smashed.

Student #2: My wheels are sparking.

They crack me up. Incidentally, I had paper conferences with both of them that day and they are doing just fine.

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