Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Back to Rewriting

30 April 2019: As this semester wraps up, I find myself looking towards the summer session and the (online!) section of Advanced Composition I'll be teaching in just a few weeks. Like the first time I taught the class (in 2011!), I am using Joseph Harris's Rewriting. There's a new-ish edition and I've been (re)reading it this morning. Once again, I am so charmed by his voice in this piece, particularly the way he frames the rhetorical act: charitable, gracious, fair, even hopeful. Just one example, from the Introduction: "For while the point of academic writing is never merely to explain what someone else has said, to respond to others you need also to offer an accurate account of their work. Effective use begins in generous understanding" (5).

I mean, isn't that also just good advice for talking, working, and living with others?

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