Thursday, November 29, 2018

Wrapping up GWST...

29 November 2018: I taught my last solo-section of the Gender and Women's Studies class today, wrapping up by looking at some poems by contemporary LGBTQ+ writers. The students especially loved talking about "Dear Gaybashers," which is a fun, proud, and silly (in a good way) response to a ridiculous act of hate. Selected lines from our discussion:

"I mean, they are RAW hot dogs, which is so much worse."
"I just think...floppy."
"No. I get that part. That's just about dildos. It's this part I don't get..."


We read these poems, too.

What fun it has been to work with these students on my third of the class this semester! They are bright, creative, open, and just an all-around good group. And when they talk about these kinds of topics, they give me such hope.

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