Monday, March 26, 2018

Walking it out...

26 March 2018: A crazy-busy day today--so busy that I had to email a student that yes, I absolutely needed to see her that day, but that looking at her schedule and mine, the only time I could meet with her was between 2:00 and 2:10. (It worked for her, so whew!) And it was a day that pulled my head and heart in every possible direction: stress about getting everything done, concern for students who are either outwardly physically ill or just seem overwhelmed (two of them cried in my office), advising appointments, paperwork to process, meetings about issues from classroom civility to academic restructuring, stacks of papers to grade. And somewhere in there I also taught three pretty good classes. By the time I got home and met my parents (who are in town) for dinner, I was kind of wiped out and scattered.

But then I got to do something I haven't done for a week: took a good long walk. The snow and ice last week kept me in on Tuesday and Wednesday, and while I certainly got my steps in while in Ohio, that isn't the same as these walks for pleasure/relaxation. I didn't actually get out there tonight until after 8:00 p.m., but boy, was it nice to be back to "normal" in the cold night air...feeling a bit centered again.

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