Tuesday, March 27, 2018

"Thoughts on Inspiration"

27 March 2018: "But let me tell you about my heaven. My heaven is an accessible bookstore followed by never-ending dinner and coffee with my Grandmothers."

The author of this blog post is someone I knew when we were both kids on Long Island way back when. For a couple of years (at most?), we went to the same school. And then wonder that is Facebook (yes, sometimes it is a force for good!) helped us reconnect maybe five years ago.

I feel like the beneficiary here as reading her writing has been such a treat. She is a terrific writer: keenly observant, grounded in reality while also concerned with "big" ideas, and wickedly funny. And importantly (for me), her work has helped me grow in my understanding of disabilities and the people who live with them. I think her writing is part of the reason why when I saw that cartoon she mentions in the piece, my radar pinged and I was like, "there's something janky about that." I promise that's not a realization I would have had even five years go. Then she writes lines like those quoted above I find myself (again) moved and challenged. What a powerful combination.


Lorna said...

It was two years, and I knew you were good people even then. Thank you for the mention!


Suzanne said...

Thank you Heidi. I learned from this. As 'enlightened as I think I am, maybe I'm not so much. Happy Easter. It would be lovely if you joined us Sunday if you don't have plans with your sister.