Sunday, April 21, 2013

Look who turned nine...

This little face greets me every morning as I finish drying my hair. He sits on the dresser and peeks around the frame of the bathroom door, meowing at me until I go downstairs and feed him. Actually, first he peeks around when I start to dry my hair. Then he gets scared of the hair dryer. Then he comes back when I turn it off. Then he gets scared when I spray some hairspray. Then he comes back. It's like this all morning. He follows me, meows at me incessantly, gets scared by something (the shower turning on or a splash of water from a faucet, for instance) and then comes back. If I am not too cranky with fatigue, I realize that it's actually pretty cute.

Anyway, my favorite "little gray baby" turned nine last week. He's still such a kitten to me and makes every day much sweeter.

1 comment:

AMT said...

Awwww! Happy birthday! Cat food cake for everyone!