Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Kelsie's confirmation

It's hard to believe that Kelsie is 13 and old enough to take part in the Rite of Confirmation, but she is and she did (this past Sunday). I am so proud of the lovely, smart, and sweet young lady she is becoming. Some pictures from the celebration afterwards:

 Christian and Aidan.
 Ryan and Colin.

 Olivia and Erin.

 My mom and Colin.

Me and Kelsie.

 Eric, who always makes the best faces. He's going to be fun dad.

Jeff and my mom.

Me and Christian.

 All five siblings. (Perhaps you might notice my wardrobe change? I had to leave straight from the party to head back to WV and changed from my rather pretty dress into driving clothes. That's when my dad decided it was picture time. Sigh.)

 Kelsie and her tantes.

My parents and Kelsie.

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