Saturday, July 19, 2008

"I've got a Ph.D. in horribleness.”

Just so you know, Dr. Horrible will only be available for free until Sunday. Don't miss it!

Neil Patrick Harris is so awesome...

Some of my favorite lines (although I know I'm leaving some off):

Dr. Horrible: “The world is a mess and I just... need to rule it.”

Dr. Horrible: “See you at the aftermath. Peace. ...Well, not literally....”

Moist: “I'm moist. At my most badass I make people feel like they want to take a shower.”

Dr. Horrible: “... when I give her the keys to a shiny, new... Australia!”

Penny: “Sometimes there's something underneath that's totally different from the person's surface.”
Billy/Dr. Horrible: “And sometimes there’s a third, deeper level that's the same as the first level. Like pie.”

Captain Hammer: “It’s not enough
to bash in heads; you’ve got to bash in minds.”


darogermatic said...

I should have known you'd have written an entry on Dr. H.

AMT said...

Funny stuff! And now that I have an awesome iPod Touch (thanks for the anniversary gift, Mike!), I am thinking that I could download it in iTunes and then watch it on my new iPod.