Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Nostalgia coming your way...

When I was in NY a couple of weekends ago, my mother sprung a most-unpleasant last-minute task on me: "Clean out the closet in your old bedroom. Make two piles: what you are taking with you and trash." Keep in mind that that closet is the just about the only place in the house where I still have things. And that she dropped this chore on me at 9:00 on Saturday night, when I had hours worth of work to do and an unexpected sleepover with my nine-year-old niece. You can imagine how happy I was. Ultimately, I threw out a ton of stuff and brought back quite a few boxes to WV, including several filled with all the notes and cards from my childhood and up through college. I haven't even started to look through these yet, but I have found a gem or two already. In the coming weeks, I'll go through these and post some of the good ones.

First, though, something that isn't a letter or a note at all: a collage my sister Tara made for me circa 1990/1991, when she was in college and I (apparently) was into well...some funny stuff. I remember thinking that this collage was just about the coolest thing my much-cooler older sister ever made for me, especially since she didn't give it to me for any special occasion: it was just because. Back then, I thought Tara was the epitome of awesome (and I still do, of course), but we didn't spend much time together. I mean, we were seven years apart--an hard age difference to overcome when you are younger. Plus Erin, clocking in at ten years younger, was infinitely cuter and a lot more fun for Tara. So when she give me this collage, I hung it with pride.

If you click on it, you should be able to get a better view. Highlights include: the boys of 90210*, Tom Cruise, and U2. I love the phrases, too: "You've got it....Together!", "The most popular boys" (a hybrid construction), "get a kick out of life," and "red hot." Some of them are probably wishful thinking characteristics on my sister's part, including "fashion," "elegant," and "chic." It was also originally in a frame (but I have no idea what happened to that).

Anyway, when I told Tara I found the collage, she had no memory of making it but did order that I could not throw it out. She even said I ought to blog about it, so here you go.

*I had a major crush on Luke Perry and was quite devoted to that show--until Brenda left and Kelly and Dylan hooked up. Then I was done.


Shannon said...

again... too cool. but... makes me jealous b/c I didn't have a sister .... older or younger. just two older brothers who picked on me to no end!

AMT said...

It is so sweet that she made that for you!

My favorite part? "Wild." She knows you well.

Heidi said...

Well, I also had two older brothers who picked on me to no end. :)

Heidi said...

Oh yes, Amber. Everyone knows that Heidi=Wild.