Friday, January 25, 2008

The Academic Olympics

I stumbled across a pretty funny and interesting blog a couple of weeks ago and since then, I've been meaning to link to it, especially to this very funny post about the Academic Olympics. Some of my favorites:

"GRADING MARATHON. The competitors run along a twenty-six mile route that passes through every office building on campus. At designated stops, they pause to grade a full stack of final examinations in their field. Competitors are penalized for illegible handwriting."

"JOB INTERVIEW SPRINT. Open to non-tenured faculty only. Competitors race between job interviews in different conference hotels; some of the interviews are spaced as few as five minutes apart. There are penalties for excessive sweating and broken high heels."

"THEORETICAL HOOPS. Using the hoop apparatus, competitors perform a rhizomatic routine that will be kept under Foucauldian surveillance by a scopophilic audience."

"DOUBLE-BLIND ICE HOCKEY. Teams try to maneuver a stack of frozen article manuscripts into their opponents' nets. Games are supervised by blindfolded referees. The winners will have their articles published in the journal of their dreams; the losers teams will be sent xeroxed rejection letters."

Enjoy the rest of the list!

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