Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Fighting with staplers and jars...

28 February 2024: If you want a sense of how frazzled and overwhelmed I am this week, here are two anecdotes from the last twenty-four hours:

1) Last night, around 8:30, trying to (finally) make dinner, and unable to open the jar of tomato sauce (curse these tiny hands), I shouted, "Why are you so weak?" to myself, on the verge of tears. (I did get it open eventually--and laughed at myself.)

2) Today, around 5:30, in the midst of yet another 12 hour day on campus, my trusty little stapler was jammed. I felt so betrayed by it--"now? you are breaking now?"--that, once it was fixed, I again, laughed at myself. But if I hadn't been able to fix it? I shudder to think of my over-reaction. 

But I'm home now and my brain says "nope, no more work" and that's okay. Already feeling optimistic about checking a bunch of stuff off the list tomorrow. 

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