Monday, December 26, 2022

3 years and 1 day...

26 December 2022: Just hit 10K for today which means my streak is now 3 years and 1 day. Really hard to believe. 

The strange thing is that on Thursday, right before the really cold weather started to move in, as I was finishing my walk, I told myself that the streak would end on Christmas Eve. There was just no way I could imagine getting it in. It was supposed to be bitterly cold on Christmas Eve morning (before I got in the car to drive to NY)--too cold for an early morning walk. (Like, wind chills in the negative teens.) And then, by the time I got to NY, it would still be too crowded and busy inside, too cold outside, and, when things got less crowded too cold and too dark. So, it wasn't going to happen. And I was okay with that. A weird kind of relieved to have the streak end for a good reason. 

Came in from my walk, looked at my phone, and saw the texts about COVID in NY. 

So, thanks to that (and three days of cold where most of the steps accumulated inside, walking in circles around the house), the streak continues--for a kind of sad reason. We'll see how long it lasts...

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