Monday, April 11, 2022

Tri Sigma's Go-To...

11 April 2022: So I come back to my office mid-morning after picking something up from the copier, and a couple of students (not enrolled in my classes, by the way) are waiting for me. 

Me: Hi???

Student: We've got a favor to ask.

Me: Okay...

Student: Can you be on Tri Sigma's trivia team again?

Me: When?


Student: That's the thing...tonight.


Me: What time?

[Longer pause]

Student: 9:00...

Me (simultaneously moans and dissolves into laughter while realizing how old I am...)


But seriously, like a schmuck, I said "yes." Lord help me. I couldn't tell them that I was also thinking, "That's when I watch 911: Lone Star!" 


Suzanne said...

So how did your team do?

Heidi said...

We did our best, but it wasn't regular trivia! It was Nickelodeon trivia from when *they* were kids. I was USELESS!