Monday, March 25, 2019

Willing spring...

25 March 2019: A chilly and rainy day here, as if spring isn't really ready to arrive, despite how much we might be willing it to do so.

I had to pick up some more blank answer sheets for trivia since we are running low. The guys who own the business/run the game were hosting tonight at a location right up the road in Sharpsburg--one that is conveniently near Nutter's, the delicious (and cheap) ice-cream shop. Amy went with me and after we picked up the sheets, we headed over. I was a bit surprised that she was interested, as she--like lots of people--doesn't like the idea of ice-cream when it's cold outside. But I didn't question it. Maybe she, like so many of the rest of us, is just ready for it to be warmer and is sort of pretending that it is.

In late spring and summer at Nutter's, you eat outside, sitting on a bench, people watching and talking. But it was too cold for that today, so we sat inside. At first, we were the only customers, but sure enough, a steady if slow stream of customers came in, also seeming to wish they could will spring to arrive.

Perhaps on a day like today, when various kinds of discouraging news hit, that was enough. People are ready and willing, waiting for spring to get here. We believe it will come and are excited to welcome it. And maybe that hope and anticipation, like eating your "first" ice-cream of the season just a bit too early but enjoying it anyway even as it makes you so cold, is enough.

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