Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Be kind to yourself...

27 March 2019: "Be kind to yourself." I gave that advice to a student today who, through tears, shared with me how much she is going through. It's actually advice I give a particular kind of student quite a bit: those who are fighting lots of battles, doing their best, and being very hard on themselves. Or those who think that because they failed in one little way, they deserve shame or punishment. Most of the time, they sort of smile and shrug, indicating that they appreciate my words but they aren't going to be that kind to themselves. I get it. It's one of those moments when I see myself in them--and not in a good way. (Not that I had even half of the struggles these students do...)

I am not sure how well my advice sunk in for the young woman I spoke to today. I hope they did a bit, though I suspect the tissues I passed her and the specific strategy I gave her for success in my class might have helped more. But maybe they will echo in the back of her mind. Be kind to yourself.

Today was a weird day in a week that's already been weird. Busy, at times quiet, at times noisy, at times inspiring, and at times very disappointing. I got home this evening after 8:00 (another 12+ hour day) tired and loopy and just a bit off. There was (is!) still stuff to do, but I am giving myself permission to cross a couple of things off the list without getting them done. Be kind to yourself. (And practice what you preach.)

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