Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Great (Dating) Expectations...

3 April 2018: Today we finished up our discussion of Great Expectations in ENGL 311. As usual, the class had lots of smart things to say as we wrestled with the strange (and plural!) endings of this book. I asked them what they thought of (spoiler?) Biddy marrying Joe and joked that, "hey, he's got a job and he's nice." Somehow that got us talking about who we would date from the book (lots of "anyone but Pip!" responses...poor Pip!).

Half joking, half serious, I wondered aloud if that might make a good final exam essay prompt--something about having them write about which character (or writer?) from over the course of the semester would be a good spouse/match. It's certainly a different kind of prompt, but one that can trick them into doing some actual critical thinking. And, as someone who does a lot of exam grading, something fun might be more, well...fun to grade. I have to think about it some more, but the class liked the idea. We shall see...

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