Friday, February 26, 2016

Midterm grades: DONE!

26 February 2016: Stayed in the office until well after 8:00 today grading midterms and getting everything class-related ready for Monday. It was kind of awful and kind of awesome. I had to get this work done or I will start panicking a bit about meeting my March 11 deadline. I need to work on this project (a short essay on Sarah Winnemucca that will be included in a new reference work on Realism) this weekend--and only this project. Because I am getting nervous and because new stuff keeps popping the heck up to complicate my schedule. It's...stressful. So yeah, I needed to get midterm grading DONE. And it was a slog, my friends--especially my ENGL 204 exams. Ugh.

But now it's all done and I am home and ready to attack that project tomorrow.

Was there chair dancing? Of course there was.

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