Monday, August 6, 2012

Tooth (or lack thereof) update #2

It's an achy day here and a quiet one as I recover. The implant went in this morning and it should give me a good bit of discomfort for the next day or so. The actual procedure wasn't bad. The only part that hurt was getting the Novocaine shots. This isn't to say the procedure was pleasant--nothing pleasant about all that drilling, poking, lots of pressure, and a device that sounded/felt like a mini-jackhammer. And (it gives me the willies to even type about this) I am hoping to never have to repeat the experience of feeling something being screwed firmly into my jaw. Again, it didn't hurt, but it sure didn't feel normal. Now there's this metal bar in my jaw. It looks something like this, although I haven't had a very good look myself. It hurts to open that far and I also don't want to be icked out by any blood or gore.

Once again, I was described by the doctor as a "perfect patient." Once again, I was extraordinarily pleased with myself. Yeah, I got issues.

Anyway, I go back in nine days, then wait three more months for my regular dentist to put the crown/actual new (fake) tooth on. What a process!


AMT said...

So, will the metal bar make metal detectors go off? Because you totally look like a threat to the tsa.

Heidi said...

You know, I wondered about that, especially given my threatening aura. The next time I fly, I'll let you know.

AMT said...

Just make sure your shampoo bottle is teensy tiny. Then they'll know for sure you can't be a terrorist.

Unknown said...

Yikes! I'm sorry for your agonizing tooth journey. But you're a trooper!