Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Today I wish Facebook had the option to block all posts about a certain chicken establishment, especially those involving smug folks claiming they speak for all Christians and family values, idiots who don't understand what "freedom of speech" means, and people who are making me rethink our "friendship." Seriously--don't people (on both sides) even think about how they sound to people who might feel differently? The way their words can wound people? That they might care about (and even love) people who feel differently? Ugh. Internet: you lose today. Maybe tomorrow will be better.


AMT said...

I don't understand why people feel the need to post inflammatory statements on Facebook. It seems to be full of whining, too. Those are reasons I don't really like Facebook and am considering just abandoning my account.

Heidi said...

Yeah, I get your point, but Facebook also does (or enables) lots of really good things. Overall (for me) it's a big net positive. It's just that sometimes (and some people) sometimes ruin it (temporarily) for the rest of us.

And yeah, lots of whining and lots of smugness, which I really can't stand. Self-righteous smugness. It's just tiring and depressing at times.