I just emailed a copy of the Poe article to a journal (who shall, at this point, remain nameless) and will later drop two paper copies in the regular mail. I've done this a number of times before, but that actual moment of sending the email or mailing the package still terrifies me. I always take a deep breath, say a quick prayer, and then let go. Gulp.
Cross your fingers, say some prayers, etc.
(This picture is from April or so. It's a pretty good encapsulation of the "Year of Poe" in my professional life. From the presentation at the Faculty Research Forum in November to the Poe Seminar in the spring semester to the final push (for now) on this article, it's been a whole lotta Edgar. And, as I write about in the paper, Wes and Bing have been a part of it all. They were, in fact, the inspiration for the paper.)
Good luck!
I find the getting the reviewers' comments more terrifying than submitting (though that is hard, too). Even when it is an acceptance, I feel like I might throw up just seeing a note pop up in the in box from the editor.
Check this site Heidi:
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