Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Missing Greensboro...

Believe it or not, this cool new commercial for UNCG has made me feel a bit homesick and nostalgic. (I like the video, although I think they should slow it down a bit.)

Two of the most important decisions I ever made in my life--where to go to college and where to go to grad school--were made for entirely economic reasons (I went where I got the most money) because I wasn't willing or able to do any deep thinking about what the "right" choice should be. I just stumbled into both choices.

I don't consider myself an extraordinarily lucky person, but in both cases, I lucked out beyond measure. I couldn't have made better choices if I tried.


Shannon said...

Hi Heidi...

sorry that you are having withdrawals from Greensboro.

I am having Heidi withdrawals right now... I miss having you here in Richmond!

Debbie S. said...

Heidi, thanks for the shout out on your blog. I am the Director of Marketing at UNCG. We appreciate your post of the commercial on your blog and your feedback as well. Thanks!