Thursday, December 18, 2008

How in the world did I get a job?

The title of this post is a question I find myself asking the universe every once in a while. This is usually followed by some quick prayers of thanksgiving for the job I have.

Anyway,, which has been nothing but bad news lately for English folks, has given us two weeks of disturbing stories in a row:

1) The Adjunctification of English

2) Disappearing Jobs

The sobering news: total job listings down by 21%. And only 7.3% of total jobs were in American literature? Gulp.


Someday PhD said...

Please don't remind me. I've been trying to avoid all those articles.

Heidi said...

Ahh, but you, Someday Phd, will be the exception. I have no doubt about that. Plus, the rhet/comp numbers are relatively strong (especially compared to American lit).