I let Kari take the camera and she went to town, capturing lots of priceless moments of Vogel workin' those spoons.
Vogel and Timmy.
Side shot!
I left this one relatively un-cropped so you can get a bit of local flavor. Check out the dude on the far left and the hair on the woman next to him.
Well, now she's just showing off a bit. Also take notice of the woman in green in the back right of the picture. She was non-so-affectionately dubbed "Butt Sweat" by our group because, well, her shorts showed a nasty big, old wet spot on her bum.
Butt Sweat was also a washboard hogger, folks. She kept trying to get another turn to play it. She literally took it off one woman and insisted she get another turn. You could tell Timmy and the band didn't like her. Once Vogel took over, Butt Sweat was not happy and shot some real daggers at our Vogsie. Kari tried to sneak a shot or two of the unhappy woman, but didn't have the greatest luck. Here she is, though, no doubt telling her group, "You see that? I have much better spoon playing ability than that bitch." But enough about her...
Hey now--whose hairy arms are those?
Is this some redneck flirting going on?
Afterwards, before we left, I snapped this photo of Waylon, the band's leader and fiddle player, Vogel, and Timmy. And you should know that right before I took this, Waylon asked if he could play "connect the dots" with Vogel's freckles. I feel icky just typing that.
Apparently, I am not the first to document fun encounters with these guys. Check out this youtube clip.
1 comment:
wow! looks like a fun (and interesting) time!! Butt sweat and bad come-on's!! What more could a girl ask for!!
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