Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Blogging catch-up day...

So I've been swamped since I've been back from 4Cs. Actually, I've been swamped since the week before Spring Break. Now, though, with both my spring conferences behind me, my annual report and merit pay application done, and a big batch of grading completed (and that small matter of a family member's health crisis being more or less resolved!), I can catch my breath and reward myself a bit by doing some blogging. I've got tons of links I've been saving up to post, so prepare yourself, folks. I've got a lot of work to get done today, but I'm working short blogging breaks into my schedule. Bring on the randomness.

Let's start with Japanese game shows--like shooting fish in a barrel, right? Here's a link to video from a show whose point seems to be stacking as many treats on your dog as possible before they fall off or he eats them. Now, you know I am a cat person, but part of the reason I don't think I'll be a dog owner anytime soon is exemplified in this clip: I just couldn't take the love! I mean, those darn dogs are DROOLING as hundreds of treats are stacked on them, yet they don't break because they don't want to disappoint their owners. Dogs are like that--they would do anything for their humans. As a pet owner, I couldn't take that kind of pressure--I just can't meet those expectations. I have a hard enough time with the dog-like Wesley. He thinks I am the bomb, which usually makes me feel awesome, but oftentimes makes me feel unworthy. Hmmm...perhaps this says more about me than about dogs. Anyway, as the Japanese might say, please to enjoy the game show. Later on, chimps and bananas show up!


Shannon said...

oh Heidi... you totally need the car license plate frame that I found for myself (however, as you email indicates...this doesn't apply to wesley...more for Bing). I really want to order it!

"I love my cat - my cat does not care"

Heidi said...

So true! Although I do think Bing cares--he just refuses to admit it.

Heidi said...

Or am I in denial?

Shannon said...

not sure... but I am not sure if I should admit to you that thinking of adding to our gang!

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