Saturday, February 6, 2016

Unabashed nerd alert!

5 February 2016: Friday was a very busy but productive day that included office hours' meetings with at least 12 students. One of them with a student I've had in several classes who is now in her last semester. She wanted to talk about revising a paper she started in one of my classes so that it could be her senior capstone project. She's a great student: responsible, smart, ambitious, and very sweet. She's also pretty darn quiet. So you can assume correctly that when she came to talk to me about her project--which examines two of my favorite books, The Scarlet Letter and Jane Eyre--that I found myself with no shortage of things to say. I probably went on a bit too much, given my enthusiasm. But I do think it helped her get a grip on what she can do with her already impressive project. As we were wrapping up our conversation, I said, "Can you tell how excited I am about this topic?"

"I am, too," she said, smiling shyly. And that of quiet enthusiasm? Friday's one good thing.

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