Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Snow day

We had what I might call the Platonic ideal of a snow day today, at least for me at this point in my life: snow that was pretty to look at, threatening enough to cancel school, way less than predicted ("Prepare for over a foot!" they said, and we ended up with barely 4 inches), and snow that melted away before I had to shovel it.

Anyway, it's been kind of a lazy day. Did some reading, watched a movie (you should check it out--I liked it!), caught up on some housework.  

I mean, for a snow-phobic person like myself, still traumatized by Snowpocalypse 2010, this was kind of perfect--as perfect as any day with cancelled classes can be for someone like me, who likes to plan everything and hates to fall behind. (Wow--I just clicked on the "snow" label on this post. That series of Snowpocalypse posts is something to behold. What a wreck I was!)

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