Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Random Fanny Fern Greatness 3 and 4

On those who say to "bide the Lord's time": "If there is one piece of advice more bandied about by irresolution, imbecility, and moral cowardice than this, I should be glad to know it. As I take it, the Lord's time is the first chance you get" (qtd. in Walker 108).

On Providence: it is a "convenient scapegoat for all the human stupidity extant...a convenient theology for bad cooks, for unwise school-teachers, for selfish, careless, ignorant parents!" (qtd. in Walker 108).

Work Cited
Walker, Nancy. Fanny Fern. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1993. Print.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fanny Fern is AMAZING. I need to read _Ruth Hall_ and her other works! She was my favorite that we read in your American Lit class. :)