Friday, February 6, 2009

31 Dates in 31 Days

Some of you who are Roanoke grads and Facebook users are probably already aware of a blog that ought to be required reading: Tamara Duricka's 31 Dates in 31 Days. Tamara was one of my coolest classmates at Roanoke and it's been so much fun reading about her adventures on the dating scene in New York. And she was even on Good Morning America today! I wouldn't be surprised if this idea turns into a movie script.


AMT said...

You know, she is one of those people that I had forgotten existed, but when I got that e-mail from RC I thought, "Oh, yeah! I remember her." I thought that I read about someone doing one of these date a day things in a magazine a few years ago, though. I hope she enjoys herself.

Heidi said...

Sure, people have done things like this before--I think someone even wrote a book about a date a day for a year--but this has some unique twists: it has to cost $31 or less, it ends on Valentine's day with a second date, it has a cool NYC setting. I think it's awesome and really creative.