Thursday, August 7, 2008

Cape Cod Trip, Part One: The Drive

Just like last year, Vogel and I took a trip up to Cape Cod. (I apologize for taking so long to post the photos--the trip was early/mid July.) I also didn't take all that many pictures this time. But there are a few good ones worth sharing.

So, just like last year, let's get started with some photos from the drive up there.

Just like last year, Java Bean was our companion.

Here's the second one we took. Vogel liked the slogan on the back of this truck. I did, too, until she kept talking about it and said, "That good advice for the bedroom, too." I called foul on that bit of over-sharing.

Next, the back view of a car that spent entirely too much time ahead of us. Creepy.

Just as we got on the NJ Turnpike we found ourselves stuck in some traffic, giving us plenty of time to spot this biker. He/she was a bad-ass--completely with an actual bad ass. Check out the skull on his/her butt cheek!

Another view of the biker.

This made us giggle. No explanation necessary, right?

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