Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Summer Advising: DONE!

21 June 2022: Hard to believe it, but we finished first-year advising today. It went just fine and was kind of fun, especially working with my colleagues face-to-face and (of course!) meeting the new students. 

And for a metaphor that seems quite fitting, as I pulled onto my street today heading home, I stopped my car to help a turtle cross the street. (Also had a student say she was moving as fast as a "herd of turtles" today, so ha!)

Now it's onto just writing, writing, writing (and Assistant Dean stuff) (and course prep) from here until the semester starts. The writing was going well post-advising this afternoon...until the power went out on campus. Let's hope Word managed to save a decent portion of what I had drafted. If not, I have my chicken-scratched draft/additions. That's tomorrow's problem, though, as the power hadn't come back on (along with access to the network drive) by the time I left campus. This evening, I am focusing on reading for the next entry, on The Country of the Pointed Firs

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