Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Wrapping up the summer class...

18 June 2019: There's a lot going on here today. My new floors are being installed (funding courtesy of my WV POY award) and the cats have been locked up in my bedroom or bathroom since about 7:00 a.m.

Here's BabyCat hiding in the closet before I moved her to the bathroom.

I also spent a portion of the day grading Major Projects from my summer students who are wrapping up all of their work this week. That "wrapping up" includes some closing blog posts, which have been so good. Check out this one, full of writing tips I might use in my classes going forward.

Doing my own reflecting on the class, I think it went very well. So much of that is due to the terrific (and funny) students I had who responded so well to the material and to the online environment.

Teaching online will never be my favorite--not even close--but I am grateful for this experience with these students.

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