Sunday, January 13, 2019

"stirred up and shaken..."

13 January 2019: "It is good for me to get stirred up and shaken once in a while." --Lucy Larcom, writing to John Greenleaf Whittier about her reaction to Barrett Browning's Aurora Leigh

Being more or less stuck in a hotel room in Charleston for the second straight day has led to a burst of productivity. It isn't snowing here, but it is really raining (a cold rain, too) and I am reluctant to do much exploring. So today I've moved between the hotel room, the hotel lobby, and restaurants, reading and getting work done.

One of my tasks led to me the Larcom quotation above. Every once in a while, she'll drop a soundbite like this (here's another one) and I laugh and feel like we might be kindred spirits. I've even been thinking a lot about Aurora Leigh, which I am teaching for the first time this semester. Weird!

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