Thursday, December 19, 2013

Writin' letters of rec...

I've spent part of the afternoon writing letters of recommendation for students (some former, some current). Truth be told, I usually hate this task, but it sure is a lot more pleasant (fun, even!) when you really like the students and feel they are so very awesome. Fingers crossed for these folks!

It's been a day of rather eclectic tasks: grocery shopping, house cleaning, Moby Dick re-reading, Hidden America reading (a possible nomination for next year's Common Read), letter-writing, and, right now, Parks & Rec* watching. These post-final-grades/pre-Christmas days are always weird for someone who loves a regular schedule as much as I do.

Okay--back to work I go. Getting these letters done is a high-priority item on my to-do list for the day.

*This is the episode that's on right now. Classic!


Unknown said...

I realize that this is all after the fact, but not long ago, I was puzzling over why I was so moody over the holiday break I had from work and it came to me: I had lost my routine. As silly as it may seem, knowing what I am going to be doing and when gives me comfort and losing it makes me crankier than I'd like admit. So I understand!

Unknown said...

Oh. And poor Ben. Watching him implode was excruciating. And relateable. I'd rather have a script I memorized than try to speak off the cuff. ANY DAY OF THE WEEK.

Heidi said...

Another way we are kindred spirits: routines make us happy!