Thursday, August 19, 2010

More garden drama...

So today I found one of these in my tomatoes.

If you haven't seen one of these before, they are HUGE (like 3 inches long and the thickness of a cigar) and totally "ick!"-provoking. When I killed it, a substance that looked like lime jello gushed out. It was like something from a science fiction movie. Ugh. Ick. Gross.

Here's a helpful informative Youtube about the little buggers:

(The bit about the parasitic wasps is both cool and absolutely disgusting.)

I had a long conversation with my friend Vogel today about how I might not be cut out for this veggie gardening thing. (Flowers, shrubs, etc. I am pretty darn good at...) I am just too emotional and the constant vigilance is a bit wearying. It's like, just when you think you've handled one crisis (squash borers, for instance, or deer nibbling on the leaves, or collapsing tomato plants, or drought-like conditions that have been here all summer), you find a HUGE FREAKIN' WORM THAT SHOOTS BRIGHT GREEN LIQUID AND HAS A RED HORN ON ITS BUTT! (Sorry but the all-caps seem necessary here.)


Anonymous said...

You may or may not have had a Freudian slip of sorts:
"Flowers, SHURBS..."

Heidi said...

Ha! And thanks. I'll fix the typo. :)

Unknown said...

You've invoked the beasts!!! Now I have them!!!! How do I get rid of them without using pesticides?!

Heidi said...

Without pesticides? Sorry--I do try to be as green and chemical-free as possible, but when I saw these things, I went the pesticide route. Not sure how well it's working, but I definitely lost any organic cred I had.

Hope you have luck getting rid of yours!

Heidi said...

To clarify: there is an indirect ratio between how gross a bug situation is (to me) and how chemical free I am. I just can't battle back my urge to annihilate when confronted with bugs that make me gag!