Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Generation X vs. Millenials

A pretty funny essay on Generation X vs. the Millenials. Here's a choice excerpt:

"That's why the time has come for Generation X to unite. We need to call bullshit on these naive, self-important crybabies trying to rob us of what is rightly our own. Remember how the Baby Boomers all turned into self-serving, narcissistic assholes who deified Michael Douglas in the '80s? The time has come for us to turn into assholes, too, minus the Michael Douglas part."

And one more...

"Still, it's never been sexy to be a Gen Xer. And that's the problem. Maybe we're responsible for the Spin Doctors, but if you cut through the bullshit, you'll see that we're not merely sexy. We're fucking hot:

We were the first bloggers. We created rap music. Silicon Valley. McSweeney's. Indie rock.

And we are the Internet generation. We founded Google. Wikipedia. DailyKos. Gawker. Meet-Up. MySpace. Ebay. YouTube.

We're not slackers. We are Tiger Woods, Snoop Dogg, Parker Posey, Tina Fey, Johnny Depp, Michael Jordan, Dr. Dre and Lance Armstrong, to name a few."

It's an entertaining read, and best taken as a tongue-in-cheek piece, although it is true that kids these days (ouch--that makes me sound old!) can drive you up the wall. (And I am thinking specifically of the 17-23 year olds I see in the classroom, admittedly a limited sample.)

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