Here are a couple of shots of the soldiers set up outside the church. It was hot that day, and I would have been very uncomfortable if I were them. They also explained that they had slept outside in the tents the night before through much of a terrible rainstorm. When it got to be too much, they took refuge in the church. (Hey, that works on multiple levels, right?) Note the wonderful historical accuracy in the first photo, spoiled (like so many things) by an SUV parked behind the camp.
At first, my family was just milling around the site, looking at the soldiers and their props. I remembered what that sign had said, though, about asking questions. I also remembered those very eager and knowledgeable lighthouse guides in Cape Cod, who were also volunteers with a great passion for their subject matter. I knew these guys were itching to answer questions, so Kelsie and I walked up to one and asked him what they were cooking on the fire. That opened the floodgates for questions from the others, including my brother, who promptly began a very manly discussion about guns and bullets with a friendly reenactor. Witness the testosterone-filled photo below.
Just before we left, I asked the reenactor if I could take his picture with Kelsie, and he was happy to oblige. He didn't smile, though. Later I told Kelsie that no one really smiled for pictures back then, in part because they had such bad teeth. She got a kick out of that.
Okay--off to teach. More posts later!
Sorry it's been taking me awhile to get new posts up. I've had family visiting the past two weekends, which has been awesome, but also meant I've had a lot of catch-up work to do during the week.
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