Thursday, March 6, 2025

All the other stuff...

6 March 2025: We've got a new hire coming into our program next fall and it has me thinking about my own start here way back when. 

When she got her first job, a grad school friend who was a few years ahead of me told me something I've never forgotten: the thing you can't anticipate about a tenure-track job is "all of the meetings" and the committees--and all the time they will take. She was, of course, 100% correct. This work is important and sometimes interesting and sometimes even fun, but a lot of it is also boring and can feel like busywork. 

Today I've worked all day (from home--which is lovely and a privilege) and maybe 30% of that time went to teaching and students. 

The rest? A search committee for another unit and working on our HLC Assurance Agreement (or whatever it's called). And, as always, so many emails. 

The steady demand of the work necessary to keep the place running? It's so much of what a lot of us do--and the part no one really talks about and that folks outside of academia couldn't even imagine. (Good for them. They shouldn't have to--unless they are complaining about how we don't work enough or are--hilariously--overpaid.)

This isn't a very profound or even interesting post. It's just what I'm thinking about this evening, looking back nearly 18 years into this. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Practice session...

5 March 2025: Today Tim and I got to hear four of our students practice their presentations for the Sigma Tau Delta Convention. It's such a pleasure to see them shine, even in a practice session. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

When the grading goes quickly...

4 March 2025: You know you've got some good students doing good work when the grading goes quickly. That's what I told myself today as I moved through the first set of ENGL 301 Response Papers. We've got some good readers and writers in this crop. 

Monday, March 3, 2025

Countdown to Spring Break...

3 March 2025: Before I left this morning, I told Jo, "Just one more week, then a week of break, then a big push, and then summer!" That last bit was a bit of an understatement, but the first part--Spring Break--is so close

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Midterm Grades: DONE!

2 March 2025: Just hit "submit" on the last set of midterm grades for this semester. Not a big lift this time, at least for this particular week; three classes' worth of papers came in earlier, so there were just one set of exams to grade and, as always, some calculating work. But a win is a win so, as always, we chair-dance, this time to "Chains of Love," by Erasure.* 

*starting to make sure that include the song title in posts as URLs have gotten broken or changed over the years. 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Visit from Amy S.

1 March 2025: A very missed colleague (she now works elsewhere) from Shepherd, Amy S., came by today to drop some custom gifts she made inspired by pictures of the girls I've posted on Facebook. She put the picture of Veronica in this post on a beautiful slate, the window picture of Jo from this post on a cutting board/trivet, and also gave me two magnets with pictures of them. Beyond being so touched and moved by her kindness, it was also just fun to catch up for a bit. 

Friday, February 28, 2025

Burned in 102...

28 February 2025: Today I asked an English 102 student how his paper, a profile of someone whose life has been shaped by sports, was coming along. 

"Good! I kind of like it because I forgot the dude had cancer!"

I promise he didn't mean it in a bad way--he was just glad to have unlocked a rich area to talk about. But his classmates and I laughed a bit. "Does he also have Dad Issues?" I asked.

Later, I was joking to another group of students about my tiny hands and how they are the reason I never had a football career. (Literally, my hands are too small to hold one...)

This kid looks up and says, "You should try pickleball. Lots of old people like it." When his classmates gasped, he said, "No, I mean like my parents. They're like...40."

I about died laughing. 

Thursday, February 27, 2025

"Little" projects...

27 February 2025: Used today (a day without any grading to do--something that will change tomorrow!) to knock out a lot of littler projects and work. I kind of enjoy days like this. Those "little" projects aren't always little and weigh on my mind, so making progress on them feels good. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

"Where'd she go?"

26 February 2025: I first saw Michelle Trachtenberg as Lily Benton way back in 1993. She must have been about eight. When she appeared in the last scene of "Buffy vs. Dracula," I clocked her as Lily right away. And then I just marveled at how well she played the very difficult role of Dawn--a character meant to be a lot and immature and annoying, but also just a kid. She nailed it. 

I keep thinking of the last scene of "The Body," where she asked, "Where'd she go?" as she reaches out to Joyce, with the scene ending just before she touches her. 

Hard to believe that kid is gone. I hope she rests in peace. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

"Most people are good"

25 February 2025: I find myself saying "most people are good" so often these days, reassuring myself and others that things will be okay in the long run. It's a kind of prayer as much as it's an assertion. Most of the time, I believe it more than I don't. Gives me hope. So I was glad to see this NPR story today.

Monday, February 24, 2025

"After All"

24 February 2025: My "80s kid who loves a sappy ballad, especially if it's a duet, bonus points if it has Peter Cetera" heart was delighted when this one came up on Pandora today. Even hit "replay." 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Book club night...

23 February 2025: Grateful today (and every month) for our little book club (me, Cory, and Kaitlyn). This month's pick was The Cliffs by J. Courtney Sullivan, which we all enjoyed. I love that the club gets me reading something non-work-related every month and, even more so, that I get to talk with my friends about it. 

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Yellowjackets Season 2 rewatch...

22 February 2025: I decided that I needed to rewatch Season 2 of Yellowjackets before starting the new one. Making my way through it slowly, given how busy things have been. I am glad I decided to rewatch it because it's wild how much I have forgotten. It makes me think I must not have watched it that closely the first time. I know the critical consensus was that this season was weaker than the first--and I agree. It is also much more meandering and gloomy at the expense of a lot of the (dark) fun of of the earlier season. The showrunners' decision to really invest in the supernatural elements also isn't my favorite. But's a captivating show, with such good acting. 

Excited to start Season 3 when I finish up.

(Maybe not the best world to dwell in too much, mood-wise, at least not for too long, though...)

The cows fly again!

22 February 2025: 

[Catch-up post...]

Wrapped up the work week with my second Flying Cows game ever--a preseason game before their second season starts up. Once again, Cory got the tickets through his company. This time, Amy joined us. And, like last time, we grabbed dinner at Lucky Corner beforehand. So many of my favorite things and people coming together, so I was, of course, pretty happy. 

I was also wiped out by the time I got home--a long week with a lot of grading, meetings, work, and this head cold (which is lingering, but definitely on its way out). So...a "catch-up" post today. 

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Democracy Awakening discussion...

20 February 2025: Got to share a stage with three of my favorite women this evening--Hannah, Sally, and Stephanie--for a discussion of teaching our Common Reading book. As expected, it was fun and interesting and the time flew by