Saturday, November 4, 2017

Another conference in the books...

4 November 2017: "A woman of promise does the best at whatever she chooses to do." --the fantastic Lois Jarman, the keynote speaker at the regional conference our Sigma Tau Delta chapter hosted today. Lois was quoting one of her undergraduate teachers who set her straight after a young Lois confessed to feeling like she let her down by getting married and having a child instead of going right to law school. "I failed you," she had confessed to her teacher. "I was supposed to be a 'woman of promise!'" Her teacher's response? Fantastic!

This is the sixth time I have been the faculty sponsor for one of these conferences. Every time they are exhausting. But they also make you so darn proud of your students. Every one of the students involved this year is a woman. And they are all women of promise.

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